Passerini Farm
Agriculture for the body and the soul
Ceci: our products
Ceci: the history
Probably native to Turkey, the chickpea (Cicer arietinum) it was one of the first plants domesticated by man. Archaeological evidence traces its use back to the Bronze Age, and it has been widely used in all ancient civilizations (Egypt, Greece, Roman Empire).
The same name of Cicero came from a nickname given to one of his ancestors who had a wart shaped like a chickpea on his nose.
Very rich in nutritional properties, they were the food of slaves in ancient Egypt, as they gave a lot of energy. Also considered powerful aphrodisiacs, they were often used by the ancients in ritual ceremonies.
Today this legume is widespread all over the world, in particular in the Middle East, in India and in various areas of Africa. It lends itself to multiple uses and recipes. Also in Italy it is used in many regions, declining in typical characteristic dishes.
Chickpeas: the nutritional characteristics
Chickpeas are essential foods in a balanced and rich diet. They provide carbohydrates and proteins, fiber, essential omega 3 polyunsaturated fats and many B vitamins.
They also contain iron, phosphorus, as well as tryptophan and arginine, elements closely linked to the production of serotonin, responsible for good mood and positive energy.
Chickpeas: use
I read as a side dish, or as ingredients for soups, soups (pasta and chickpeas), creams, veloutés, hummus, hot and cold salads, sauces for croutons, cecina, typical regional recipes.
We recommend soaking in warm water for 12 hours, and cooking over moderate heat for 1 hour (or ½ hour in a pressure cooker), flavored with garlic, rosemary and sage.
Ceci: how they are born ...
escono le prime piantine |
una distesa di futuri ceci |
i ceci sono pronti per essere raccolti |
fase della raccolta |
i ceci sono pronti da gustare! |